Thanks for showing an interest in learning more about me! I’m looking forward to learning more about you too!
Instead of writing a bunch of boring stuff about my education (Behavioural Science – St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario), experience (with success and failure!), skills (I never stop learning) and delivering it in third person (as though I have no idea what is written here about me), I thought you might want to know the more important stuff instead.

I believe…
- in truth over discomfort
- in old fashioned values and ethics but for modernized living
- in non-judgement
- that we all choose our own paths but sometimes have to work within a system – which is also a choice
- we are capable of so much more than we realize but often time restraints and fear hold us back
- there is nothing more valuable than honest feedback delivered with love and respect
- everyone has a story but some stories need to be edited and rewritten to give the main character a wonderful life and a happy ending.

I love to work with people who want…
- to unmask & stretch cat-like into their own powerfulness
- to learn more about themselves and those around them
- to uncover impassioned joy in each and every day
- to flourish into who they know they are meant to be
- to learn how to love themselves unconditionally
Request your free exploratory session so I can learn about YOU!