There’s no question we are, in part, a product of our environments. For some of us, life lessons take longer, and getting ahead can be more challenging because we started life 50 paces back from a healthy starting line.
Babies who are not held and loved regularly in their infancy are more at risk for behavioral, social, and emotional issues as they grow up.
Some of us were born to parents who had emotional issues. Perhaps they held onto us too tightly by being controlling, or tried to repress our growth because they were competitive, they may even have physically and emotionally abused us.
We may not have had the opportunities that others take for granted: a warm bed, a happy home, or the financial means to be comfortable. A child worrying about whether s/he will be able to eat breakfast is a child that is unable to focus on studies and their own internal and external growth.
How do those things affect us?
It affects us in a myriad of ways. We may have difficulty sharing our feelings. We may lack the ability to judge the trustworthiness of others; we could be putting ourselves into the same broken situations, over and over again. Hoping THIS time will be different. We may have grown up with a pauper’s mindset. We may not even realize what is holding us back from what we want.
Some of us have done some internal work to create a better version of ourselves. We’ve built our own lives from the ground up. We didn’t start with a solid foundation, and although we’ve grown, maybe even blossomed, we still have unseen cracks here and there that can interfere with achieving our true potential. These things make our foundation shaky.
All is not lost, we CAN rebuild!
Sometimes all it takes is looking at something you know to be true from a different angle. The new outlook, or mindset, fills your cracks with sand and strengthens your fortitude.
You may need someone impartial to believe in you, to see who you are now, not who you were before. To cheer you on and to motivate you during the next phase of your journey. You know you are destined for bigger things!
Let’s spend some time analyzing your structure; let’s find what’s stopping you from achieving everything you want. All that’s required is an open mind and the desire to become a better version of yourself.